Disinfectants: The Essentials of Evaluation and Selection
Disinfectants: The Essentials of Evaluation and Selection
4 CECs (1 CEC = 1 contact hour)
Learn ‘why’ disinfectants are needed, and better understand ‘what’ and ‘how to’ use products.
This online course is designed as a self-directed and facilitated educational program for healthcare environmental services professionals. The course provides information on ‘why’ disinfectants are needed, and then delves into ‘what’ and ‘how to’ use products, before an educated decision can take place on the selection of a disinfectant.
Provided with this course:
- On-demand, anytime access on your phone or computer.
- 4 interactive online modules.
- Interactive discussion forum where you can further your knowledge.
- Certificate of course attendance and CECs for individual participants.
Important Information
Consider taking this course if you are:
- Environmental services leaders
- Support services leaders
This course will provide the knowledge and tools needed to effectively evaluate and select disinfectants based on facility needs while considering efficacy, compliance, and safety of the product.
- Learn ‘why’ - microbiology
- Learn ‘what’ – disinfectant attributes and efficacy
- ‘How’ to use products properly, safely, and compliantly
- Summarize the factors to consider when evaluating and selecting products
Module 1
Introduction & MicrobiologyModule 2
Product Attributes and EfficacyModule 3
Product ComplianceModule 4
Product Selection -
The registration fees for the Disinfectants: The Essentials of Evaluation and Selection e-learning course are:
- Member: FREE
- Nonmember: $239.00
Become an AHE member to receive the discounted rate along with all the Association has to offer!
Course Registration
Once you complete the registration, you can access the course through the My Learning link above at any time. You will have 180 days to complete the course from the time you register and you can stop and continue as often as needed. If you have any questions, please contact ahe@aha.org.