The Lean Management System in Health Care
The Lean Management System in Health Care
5 CECs (1 CEC = 1 contact hour)
Leverage the Lean Process to better operationalize EVS departments.
Ever-increasing health care costs are a critical financial concern for health care facilities and the nation.
How are today’s leading facilities managing costs effectively? What is their secret to success? Lean management techniques have proven to be a critical factor in the success of many organizations.
What can Lean do for you and your organization?
Learn how to use Lean to eliminate waste in Environmental Services processes, and to drive continuous quality improvement and employee job satisfaction. This self-directed, interactive online course will use case studies and exercises to lay the foundation for creating a Lean health care organization through the application of Lean tools and concepts such as value stream mapping, 5S, mistake proofing, and more. When properly implemented, the Lean system can bring tangible results for Environmental Services, the facility, the staff, and ultimately patients.
Provided with this course:
- On-demand, anytime access on your phone or computer.
- 5 interactive online modules.
- Interactive discussion forum where you can further your knowledge.
- Certificate of course attendance and CECs for individual participants.
Important Information
Consider taking this course if you are:
- Experienced environmental services leaders
This course will provide the information and tools needed to guide your department, staff, and clinical teams to increase the quality of patient care and eliminating waste from your organization. Environmental services professionals, infection preventionists, and clinical staff should use the information obtained in this course to:
- Discuss and implement the five lean principles within their organization.
- Incorporate various Lean and Kaizen concepts and tools needed to develop a continuous improvement organization.
- Implement brainstorming concepts to effectively lead team activities.
Module 1
Becoming LeanModule 2
Value Stream MappingModule 3
Problem-Solving ToolsModule 4
Visual Workplace, 5S, and KanbanModule 5
A3 and Balanced Scorecard -
The registration fees for the The Lean Management System in Health Care e-learning course are:
- Member: FREE
- Nonmember: $239.00
Become an AHE member to receive the discounted rate along with all the Association has to offer!
Course Registration
Once you complete the registration, you can access the course through the My Learning link above at any time. You will have 180 days to complete the course from the time you register and you can stop and continue as often as needed. If you have any questions, please contact ahe@aha.org.