
The Bootcamp Training program provides trainers with an opportunity to refresh their proctoring skills and gain valuable tips to help them succeed as Signature Program trainers and facilitators.
Mark your calendars for Exchange25 Summit! The best event for health care environmental services leaders to learn and network with other hospital EVS professionals.
This course is designed for trainers seeking to reaffirm proctoring skills and upkeep standards to lead quality trainings for members of their teams. This course is vital in ensuring your credentials stay up to date.
Propose change with confidence and build a solid plan backed by research when making decisions about the products and services for your facility.
AHE Academy is an intensive, focused learning event. It includes a curated selection of programs that will expand the expertise of any EVS leader.
The Association for the Health Care Environment (AHE) has selected its next executive director: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ortolano.
Mark your calendars for Exchange24 Summit! The best event for health care environmental services leaders to learn and network with other hospital EVS professionals.
Algebra is a foundational skill that most EVS leaders will find themselves needing to utilize multiple times throughout their career. The CHESP certification exam requires knowledge of algebraic equation solving, and this webinar provides a quick refresher for those preparing to take the exam.
This recorded session marks the 20th anniversary of the CDC/HICPAC Guideline for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Facilities. It was part of a Cintas-sponsored Lunch and Learn event at the AHE Exchange 2023 conference in Dallas.