Operational Excellence
There are many benefits to Green Cleaning, and these benefits have become more apparent in recent years as a result of documentation and scientific evidence.
The abuse of prescription drugs, particularly controlled substances regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as “drugs of abuse,” has reached epidemic proportions, exceeding that of traditional illicit drugs in all cases except marijuana. Congress passed the Safe and Responsible Drug…
Ruth Carrico and Timothy Wiemken give a presentation on assessing your facility's risk for Clostridium Difficile.
Three panelists discuss the factors that make a great environmental services department.
In 2012, the Heart of Healthcare Awards was developed as a partnership between AHE and Kimberly-Clark Professional to elevate and celebrate the critical role EVS professionals play in the healthcare environment. AHE and Kimberly-Clark Professional are continuing their partnership to provide EVS…
It is widely accepted that environmental contamination plays an important role in the transmission of certain pathogens in the healthcare environment. As such, there has been a revival of interest in the role of environmental surfaces as potential vehicles for the transmission of several healthcare…
Leveraging the key engagement driver of the organization’s strategy and mission is paramount. One organization that makes communicating strategy and mission a priority is AtlantiCare, a well-respected network of hospitals and healthcare facilities in southeastern New Jersey.
Treating bed bugs can be a real challenge with dire consequences if the wrong materials and methods are used. While it’s impossible to prevent bed bugs from getting inside your facility, there are many steps you can take to help your healthcare organization keep them from taking over.
Since 2008, the HCAHPS—Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems—survey has allowed valid comparisons across hospitals locally, regionally, and nationally. The core of the survey contains 18 items that ask “how often” or whether patients experienced a critical aspect of…
Kevin Sheridan presents on the Magnetic Culture, employee engagement, the key engagement drivers, and best practices on the most impactful drivers.